Legal information

This site is the property of the Pays de Haguenau Tourist Office

Publishing Director

Mireille WEBER, director
Tourist Office of the Pays de Haguenau
1 place Joseph Thierry 67500 HAGUENAU 
Tel. 03 88 06 59 99


Creation and hosting of websites
ZI of Bourogne-Morvillars - 90 120 MORVILLARS
Tel: 03 84 36 66 42 - Fax: 03 84 36 66 43


Site creation and hosting: Illicoweb.
Photographs: Tourist Office of the Pays de Haguenau, City and Agglomeration Community of Haguenau, Cyrille Fleckinger, Emmanuel Viverge, Frantisek Zvardon, Céline Schnell "A Girl in Alsace", Laurène Philippot, Denis Merck, Adéan, associations and partners tourist.

Content and information

The website of the Pays de Haguenau Tourist Office provides information from partner establishments that responded to our consultation. The information contained therein is given for information only and under their sole responsibility. The Pays de Haguenau Tourist Office uses all the means at its disposal to provide reliable and up-to-date information on its communication media. However, this information is not contractual and can in no way engage the responsibility of the Tourist Office in the event of omission or error. Despite the care taken in updating the information, some errors may appear. The Tourist Office reserves the right, at its sole discretion and without obligation, to delete, improve or correct all or part of the information and elements appearing on its site. 


The reproduction, use, exploitation of photographs, images, logos, maps, texts, database extractions, elements of graphic design and as a general rule of all the elements of publication of the site are prohibited without prior agreement of their authors.
Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement that may incur the civil and criminal liability of the infringer.

Right of access, modification and deletion

E-mail addresses or other personal information are only collected on the site following your voluntary communication, this data is only used for sending the response you expect.
You have, in accordance with the provisions of the law "Informatique et Libertés" of January 6, 1978, a right of access, rectification and deletion concerning the data which concern you. You can exercise this right by contacting us by email ( or by mail:

Tourist Office of the Pays de Haguenau
1 place Joseph Thierry
67500 Hagenau 

Hypertext links

The presence of hypertext links to other sites does not constitute a guarantee on the quality of content and proper functioning of said sites. The Pays de Haguenau Tourist Office cannot be held responsible for the content of these sites. The user must use this information with the usual precautions.
The creation of hypertext links to the site of the Pays de Haguenau Tourist Office is subject to its prior agreement. To send him a request, simply send an email to the webmaster.
In the event of the creation of a hypertext link to the site of the Pays de Haguenau Tourist Office which has not been the subject of a prior agreement, the Pays de Haguenau Tourist Office reserves the right to the right to demand at any time the removal of said hypertext link pointing to its site.

Joint responsibility agreement, Customer Relationship Management

The Pays de Haguenau OT ensures that the data is only accessible to authorized internal or external recipients and subject to an appropriate obligation of confidentiality.
Internally, the OT defines which recipient can have access to which data according to an authorization policy.
Internal recipients
Authorized personnel within our structure    
External recipients
- Tourism partners authorized to access the shared file(s) or database(s) in which the data may appear;
- Service providers or support services,
- Administration, judicial officer if necessary