Gîtes and furnished accommodation in the Pays de Haguenau
You want to find the comfort housing just for you during your stay ? Check out our suggestions below lodgings of France, maisons, furnished apartments, studios or seasonal rentals. The Alsatian owners will be able to give you a welcome worthy of the name for your holidays !
Need a hand ?
Advising you is our job! We, the local experts of your holiday, we are at your disposal: trust us for your next stay in Alsace and do not hesitate to contact us on 03 88 06 59 99 if you need advice. To support you, our service provider EASY ALSACE is also at your disposal for book your stay and you inspiration.
Tourist tax
Amount of tourist tax in the Agglomeration Community of Haguenau (per night and per person from 18 years old)
- Palace: €4,00
- Hosting 5 stars : €3,00
- Hosting 4 stars : €1,50
- Hosting 3 stars : 1,00 €
- Hosting 2 stars : 0,90 €
- Hosting 1 star : 0,75 €
- Classified camping and caravanning ground 3, 4 and 5 stars and any other open-air accommodation: €0,55
- Classified camping and caravanning ground 1 and 2 stars and any other open-air accommodation, marina: €0,20
- Any accommodation awaiting classification or without classification with the exception of outdoor accommodation: 5% *
* amount calculated on the price of the night excluding VAT within the limit of the highest rate voted by the community, i.e. €4.
Amount of additional tax dand the European Community of Alsace
- 10% of the price established by the Agglomeration Community of Haguenau
Example: for a 3-star residence, the tourist tax is €1,00 per night and per person, to which is added the additional tax of €0,10 per night per person, i.e. a total of €1,10 per night/per person.
Do you want to declare your furnished tourist accommodation?
It is very simple ! complete the declaration of tourist accommodation (CERFA form 14004*4) Then return it to the town hall of the municipality where the furnished accommodation is located (in application of articles L. 324-1-1 I and D. 324-1-1 of the tourism code).