Val de Moder

Val de Moder

Val de Moder
03 88 07 70 55
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Location and access

  • Val-de-Moder - Frantisek Zvardon
  • Val-de-Moder - City of Pfaffenhoffen
  • Val-de-Moder - Rosemay Zurcher
  • Val-de-Moder - City of Pfaffenhoffen
  • Val-de-Moder - Rosemay Zurcher
Discover the Val-de-Moder, grouping of the municipalities of Pfaffenhoffen - Ringeldorf - Uberach - La Walck, between craftsmanship and heritage.

Pfaffenhoffen is a city of images, it offers all the modes of representation in its Museum of Popular Image and in its discovery circuit. Its Museum, unique in Europe, presents collections and techniques of the popular Alsatian image painted by hand. Using the map of the discovery circuit through the streets, gardens and squares, you will appreciate the painted and sculpted works, old and contemporary. The Club Vosgien du Val de Moder also offers many circuits around Val-de-Moder and along the Moder.

Ringeldorf, a small village of 140 inhabitants, is part of the Giscardian legend.
Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, former President of the Republic was unanimously elected there in 1974. A success that the Head of State hailed with a surprise visit to the village on May 20, 1975. The main street of the village bears his name. The new municipality of Val-de-Moder was extended on January 1, 2019 by welcoming into its fold the village of Ringeldorf, previously a member of the community of municipalities of the Pays de la Zorn.

The industrial past of La Walck is known for the shoe with more than twenty factories or shoe workshops after the Second World War with in particular the presence of Adidas. But La Walck was also marked, precisely towards the end of the world war, by a double liberation. Indeed the Americans of the 45th USID liberated the town on December 1, 1944, after fierce fighting. But the Germans triggered operation "Nordwind" at the end of December which saw La Walck reoccupied by the Germans on January 23, 1945. But thanks to the American operation "Undertone", Alsace and therefore La Walck would be completely liberated on March 19. 1945. 46 people from the town lost their lives there.

We find mentioned for the first time the name of the municipality of Uberach in an act signed by Charles IV, and dated Friday after the Ascension of the year 1351. It is prescribed there to the Landvogts of Alsace and to the magistrates of Haguenau to let enjoy the woods, the right to fish and to roam in the forest of Haguenau the municipality of "Uberoche" as well as other municipalities bordering this forest. In Uberach, savor, taste and visit the Uberach Brewery and the Hepp Distillery, beers and eaux-de-vie are strong identities of the local gastronomy.