
03 88 63 20 88

Location and access

  • Rohrwiller - Municipality of Rohrwiller
  • Rohrwiller - Municipality of Rohrwiller
  • Rohrwiller - Municipality of Rohrwiller
“The village is mentioned for the first time in 1207, under the name of Rohrheimet.
The name of the town comes from the Germanic “Rohr” (reed) and the Latin “villa” (farm).
During the First World War Rohrwiller was badly affected. Then the village was destroyed three quarters by bombardments during the Second World War. But wars, floods, disease and fires have not stifled the vitality of the population.
Like the reed, the village bends but does not break!
Today, Rohrwiller is a residential city of 1634 inhabitants. Its geographical location today makes it a strategic crossroads: close to Haguenau, Strasbourg, the motorway, the German border, two railway lines and several commercial, craft or industrial areas. Rohrwiller nonetheless remains a peaceful village with artisanal, commercial and service activities. The town also has a very dynamic associative fabric with 11 associations and several sections which offer around twenty different activities to the population. "