With 20 letters, Mittelschaeffolsheim is, with Niederschaeffolsheim also located in the Bas-Rhin, the commune in France with the longest toponym.
Mittelschaeffolsheim is located at the south / west end of the Agglomeration Community of Haguenau. It is the crossroads connecting the latter to the Community of Communes of Kochersberg as well as that of the Community of Communes of the Pays de la Zorn. The proximity to the Eurometropolis of Strasbourg has contributed to the demographic development of the municipality.
A micro-crèche, a home for childminders and childminders at home welcome young children. The children of the village are educated at the intercommunal school "La Rose des Vents" in Donnenheim where they can also participate in extracurricular and extracurricular activities. College students go to Brumath and high school students to Haguenau or Strasbourg.
Even if most of the inhabitants go to the Eurometropolis to work, many are those who have a professional activity within the Agglomeration Community of Haguenau. In addition, agricultural activity (breeding and mixed farming) is still very important in our village. We are also the second largest hop community in France with around 60 hectares of cultivated area.
Many businesses are located there as well as a few shops including a bakery, a takeaway pizza outlet and a hairdresser.
In addition and concerning leisure activities, the Acf Mittel is the local association which contributes to the development of social links by offering many activities throughout the year (example: egg hunt, country day, walking, Halloween evening, …). A pond, nestled in lush greenery, allows fishing all year round in "No Kill" with a membership card. It can also be rented for an evening or a weekend.
Mittelschaeffolsheim is located at the south / west end of the Agglomeration Community of Haguenau. It is the crossroads connecting the latter to the Community of Communes of Kochersberg as well as that of the Community of Communes of the Pays de la Zorn. The proximity to the Eurometropolis of Strasbourg has contributed to the demographic development of the municipality.
A micro-crèche, a home for childminders and childminders at home welcome young children. The children of the village are educated at the intercommunal school "La Rose des Vents" in Donnenheim where they can also participate in extracurricular and extracurricular activities. College students go to Brumath and high school students to Haguenau or Strasbourg.
Even if most of the inhabitants go to the Eurometropolis to work, many are those who have a professional activity within the Agglomeration Community of Haguenau. In addition, agricultural activity (breeding and mixed farming) is still very important in our village. We are also the second largest hop community in France with around 60 hectares of cultivated area.
Many businesses are located there as well as a few shops including a bakery, a takeaway pizza outlet and a hairdresser.
In addition and concerning leisure activities, the Acf Mittel is the local association which contributes to the development of social links by offering many activities throughout the year (example: egg hunt, country day, walking, Halloween evening, …). A pond, nestled in lush greenery, allows fishing all year round in "No Kill" with a membership card. It can also be rented for an evening or a weekend.