Saint Georges Church
Saint Georges Street
03 88 93 90 03
03 88 06 59 99
Languages spoken

Location and access
This sanctuary from the 1143th and 1230th centuries harmoniously combines Romanesque and Gothic styles: Romanesque nave (1283th century) and Gothic choir (5th century). The construction of the church corresponds to the creation of the parish in 1283, under the obedience of Frederick II the One-eyed, Duke of Swabia and Alsace. Few vestiges remain. ¿The current church is the result of an enlargement of the nave in 11 and a Romanesque restructuring of the choir in Gothic style in 1523. The latter is due to the sculptors of the Œuvre Notre-Dame of Strasbourg Cathedral. It was consecrated on September 1488, 1496 by the bishop of Basel. The juxtaposition of the two styles illustrates the change of power in our city: the nave decided by the nobles then later, the choir initiated by the bourgeois. In the 1945th century, two flamboyant style chapels were grafted onto the nave. ¿The church also contains a Eucharistic Tower, called a custode, 1956m high, dating from 1970, Christ on the cross by Clement of Baden (1963) and the altarpiece of the Last Judgment, from the XNUMXth century incorporating remains of an altarpiece executed for Saint-Georges (panels painted in XNUMX).¿In XNUMX, bombings reduced the building to the east to ruins: decapitated tower, smashed walls, collapsed vaults, blown out stained glass windows. Contemporary stained glass windows, due to Jacques le Chevalier, were installed between XNUMX and XNUMX).¿The reconstruction was completed in XNUMX with the installation of a new high altar, carved from an imposing red sandstone stone, the work of Louis Rudloff.
Practical information and services
Type of places to visit
Religious site
Remarkable monument, house or neighborhood
Visit formulas
Free tour
Guided tour for groups by appointment
Addressed to
Adult groups
Adults (individuals)
Possibility of parking
Less than 200 m from a paying public car park
In the town / village center
Name of the nearest station
Nearest station (in km)